This is what the bubble skirt looks like on Snow White...
I held it up with safety pins just in case I didn't like it the bubble skirt. I can make the skirt longer or shorter. It looks better in person though...
The question now is...Do I go bubble skirt or long skirt?
I am a total Disney fan and I love the Snow White idea for Halloween, but I have to say... the Bubble skirt is not doing it for me. I don't think it looks bad, but it's just not Snow White. Just a thought.
I like the bubble skirt, but you also have to think of the weather...
i think long is better, now it kinda looks like a childs costume
I thought the bubble would really look fab, but when I saw the pic, it looked as if you borrowed it from a toddler. Go for the longer one, it looks more naturally Snow White.
i think longer.
the bubble looks like a kid's costume
go bubble. show some skin and have fun,haha
i think the long would look better...bubble just looks kind of silly.
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