Monday, April 21, 2008

Fashionable Ad Review-Louis Vuitton

Some journeys cannot be put into words.
New York. 3 am. Blues in C
Keith Richards

Their is an effect in fashion that I call "shock value" or sometimes I call it "for maximum impact". This means that the entire focus is put into creating shocking reactions. Louis Vuitton has done the celebrity thing for some time now (insert below)

and has now moved on to creating ads with folks that they consider icons.

It all started with this core values campaign. I understand what Louis Vuitton is trying to accomplish. LV wants to maximize on their brand, on their name and, on their product because this brand has been standing since 1854, and it has always been associated with longstanding luxury, excellence and class. They began as a trunk and luggage retailer and are now a huge fashion power house. However, where do they draw the line?

What I mean to say is that, their history allows me to understand why they would have a core values campaign that places emphasis on people and their journey.
1. They have come a long way on their journey and 2. Each of these people have gone through their own personal and career journeys.

Louis Vuitton jumped the shark with Keith Richards. I think that they just went too far. In terms of the shoot styling, I can observe that they custom made a guitar for him, skull scarves are placed over the lamps, and he looks extremely old and wrinkled. Yes, Keith Richards is a rock star icon, but this same concept could have been delivered without it having to look so raw and in so your face.
As I write this I hurt, because I Love Louis Vuitton (I LV LV!). Regardless of my love, this is definitely how I feel about this ad.

My first reaction was WHY??
I guess the recession is taking a toll on everyone and even Louis Vuitton has to go for the "shock value".

Enid P. "Dare to Dream"


Anonymous said...

if you think he looks too old and wrinkled, you should check the online part of theis "journey":
LONDON by Keith Richards.
in 8 Chapters (20 minutes total), Keith talks about HIS London, from Soho in the 60s to his quest for the perfect shepperd's pie...

and here is the trailer:

ENID P. said...

I watched the making of it. it was extremely interesting. He did look older but on the flip side it gave the whole image a nostalgic feel. Interesting!!!

Enid P.