Thursday, September 25, 2008

M.I.A. has a clothing line...

I read in Nylon that M.I.A. has a new clothing line. So I went to her website to check it out.

Well, it's not a clothing line exactly. It's more like a few pieces of clothing that M.I.A is selling on her website.

I just want to state 2 things...

1. M.I.A's clothes look kool on her. No one should try to look like her. It will just look bad, period!!
2. I like the watermelon hoodie, I think I can add that hoodie to my collection. But, I can't justify this purchase at $180.00 usd.

Enid P. "Dare to Dream"


AsianCajuns said...

I was really excited about this too- but I feel the same way. I love MIA and how she puts things together, but I would look totally and completely ridiculous--- even though I secretly covet that body suit/jumper thing ;)

Malchik said...

Yes, the watermelon hoodie is pretty cool but its very expensive.

I.M. said...

they are cool!